At Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School we believe that a creative but broad and balanced curriculum should be available to all its pupils, regardless of ability, gender or ethnic origin. We believe accordingly that every child should be entitled to a curriculum, which enables him/her to become an independent learner, being able to fulfil his/her potential to the highest possible standard.
At Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School all children and their achievement are valued equally.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy and Accessibility Plan can be found under 'Our School / School Policies & Key Documents'.
Admissions -
Children and young people with SEN have different needs, but the general presumption is that all children with SEN but without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are welcome to apply for a place at our school, in line with the school’s admission policy. If a place is available, we will undertake our best endeavours, in partnership with parents, to make the provision required to meet the SEN of pupils at this school.
For children with an EHCP, parents have the right to request a particular school and the local authority must comply with the preference and name the school in the EHC plan unless:
Before making the decision to name our school in a child’s EHCP, the local local authority will send the governing body a copy of the EHC plan and then consider their comments very carefully before a final decision on placement is made. In addition, the local authority must also seek the agreement of the school where the draft EHC plan sets out any provision to be delivered on their premises that have been secured through a direct payment (personal budget). Parents of a child with an EHC plan also have the right to seek a place at a special school if they consider that their child’s needs can be better met in specialist provision.
For children who are disabled, we meet with families before they start to discuss their individual needs. We will also work alongside the specialist teacher for Physical and Neurological Impairment for advice on specialist equipment and making reasonable adjustments to the environment.
The kinds of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or disability that we provide for -
Support is provided within a differentiated/adapted curriculum, to meet the needs of pupils who require provision that is different from or additional to their peers.
Support is provided in the four categories of need:
Staff and pupils have age appropriate conversations about targets, progress, outcomes, including those after interventions.
Rewards such as Star of the Week, Recognition cards and Golden Stars are given to children so that they can talk about achievements.
Children, where appropriate are asked to contribute to their progress before an Annual Review.
Staff Training and Specialist Support -
The school provides training for all staff to continually maintain and develop the quality of teaching and learning and provision of children including those with SEND. This training will be at different levels depending on the level of expertise required.
Awareness training – for all staff on the four areas of need and identification of needs, as well as SEN needs such as ASD
Enhanced training – for TAs and teachers working with a particular need
Specialist training – for individualised needs
Specialist training has been provided to the SENCo on:
The school works in partnership with the local authority and external professionals. If a child’s progress and attainment are significantly below age related expectations, despite the delivery of high quality teaching , additional advice may be sought from external agencies. This will only be undertaken after parent permission has been obtained and may include referral to:
N.B. For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex and the SEND Support required to meet their needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the school’s own resources, a request will be made to the local authority to carry out an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided.
The Local Authority local offer is available to view on:
The Local Offer has been published as part of the SEND reforms under the Children and Families Act 2014.
The Local Offer will:
Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School is an active member of the local BATIC (Benfleet and Thundersley Inter-Cluster) group of schools. All of the schools in the group work closely and are committed to providing high quality education for all children with special educational needs and disabilities in the whole area.
Local provision is very similar as no one school has a particular specialism in relation to SEND.
Outside Agencies and Support Services -
Some children with special educational needs or disability require more specialist support from other professionals. These outside agencies or support services can support a child and their families. All may provide specialist assessments or advice on different strategies or materials.
Educational Support:
Health Care Support:
Health Care Support:
In discussion with the class teacher and parents, the SENCo or Learning Mentor makes a referral to appropriate outside agencies.
The SENCo and Learning Mentor liaise regularly with outside agencies as appropriate.
Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School is part of the Benfleet and Thundersley Interschool Cluster (BATIC).
The SENCOs across this group meet regularly to access training and development according to the needs identified by the group. It also serves as a network.
Where it is deemed necessary, the school will invite/request the attendance of colleagues from other agencies to contribute to outcome meetings or annual reviews. Requests for support or guidance may also be made.
Parent Consultation -
The school has an open door policy. Parents are invited to discuss arrangements with the Class Teacher at any point throughout the year, by making an appointment at the school office or contacting the Class Teacher via Seesaw.
A meeting with the SENCO or Learning Mentor can be arranged where your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you have can be discussed.
Termly reviews are arranged to update parents on the progress their child is making and the provision that their child receives.
For some parents, regular structured conversations/one planning meetings/Team Around the Family meetings are offered to ensure good quality discussion between home and school.
Parents of children who have an EHC plan are invited to discuss their child’s progress at the Annual Review.
The school's SENCO -
The SENCo’s name is Mrs Strickland
You can contact Mrs Strickland by contacting the School Office 8.30am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday or sending an email. The telephone number is 01702 557979 and the email address is .
The SENCo is an experienced, qualified teacher with years of leadership experience. She strives to keep up to date by attending training sessions and keeping up to date with best practice. The SENCo attends local cluster meetings on a regular basis.
The SENCo supports class teachers and learning support assistants in working and assessing children with special educational needs. Alongside the Learning Mentor, the SENCo will make referrals to outside agencies who might need to be involved to support your child. The class teacher is responsible for teaching children with SEND.
Identification and Assessment -
Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School has a graduated response to identify pupils who are falling behind age related expectations.
Information collected:
SEND support is implemented when:
An assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan Needs Assessment would be considered if more extensive support is required.
A child will be included on the SEND register, in consultation with parents, if they require additional and extra support to the high quality provision found in the classroom. A child will also be removed from the register in consultation with parents, when progress or attainment is within age related expectations.
Resources -
Specialist resources are used to enable learners across the school. Resources may include English and mathematics support, behaviour for learning support, resources to support physical difficulties
Reasonable adjustments are made to the learning environment to support the needs of the learner.
Further specific specialist equipment may be bought or hired according to the needs of the children.
Staff as a resource: the school employ teaching assistants to support the learning of all pupils including those with special educational needs.
Pupils with social and emotional needs are supported by all members of staff and within the school’s.
Monitoring and Evaluation -
The SENCO and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) review the provision for pupils with SEND throughout the year.
Progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher. Pupil Progress meetings held with the Headteacher, SENCO or Year Group Leaders to track and monitor progress.
His/her progress is formally reviewed with the Headteacher, in Pupil Progress meetings and with Governors every term.
Complaints -
Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School has an open door policy. We encourage you to come and speak with us about any concerns or worries you may have, and we will endeavor to do our best to work closely with you.
Should you have a concern/complaint, then follow the procedures set out in the school’s Complaints policy. A copy of this can be found on the school’s website.
Transition -
At Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School we recognize that ‘moving on’ can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
Transition Plan for transfer from Pre-school to Infant School:
Transition Plan for transfer from Class to Class:
Transition Plan for transfer from Infant school to Junior school: