Absences and Illness



If your child is taken ill while at school, or seriously injured here, we will contact you as soon as possible.  Two up-to-date contact numbers must be held by the school at all times.  Arrangements are in place for the administration of prescribed and unprescribed medicine by the Office. 

If you wish for the school to administer any type of medicine, please speak to Mrs Reader in the main school office for further advice.  Medication is given at 11.30am each day.

Please inform your child's class teacher in advance, if your child has an appointment during school hours.  Absences should be reported to the school by telephoning the Office on the first day of absence and leaving a message on the answer phone or completing this google form: 


If your child is sick and/or has diarrhoea, please keep him/her off school for at least 48 hours following cessation of the illness.  Please notify Mrs Reader, if your child has head lice. 


The school uses the guidelines set out in the ‘Self Care Information for Children’ booklet created by the NHS when setting our expectations for absences linked to childhood illnesses.


If you would like to access the full document, this can be found on the school’s website. 


If you would like to access the document, please click on the link below. 


Absence Procedures

 If a child is absent from school the parent/carer must adhere to the following procedures:


  • Parents/Carers must notify the school that their child is absent by 9:00am on each day of the absence. 
  • Pupil absence must be reported by leaving a message on  01702 557979 Option 1 or via the google form on the link below:
  • Ensure that your child returns to school as soon as possible.


If your child is absent we will:


  • Telephone or text you on the first day of absence if we have not heard from you.
  • Write to you if your child’s attendance is below 95%.
  • Invite you in to school to discuss the situation with our School Pastoral Officer and/or Head Teacher, if your child’s attendance is consistently under 95%.
  • Consider whether the School Welfare Officer and/or Child and Family Support Worker should become involved in the process, if absences persist.


Attendance Compliance Team

Parents are expected to contact school at an early stage and to work with the staff in resolving any problems together. This is nearly always successful. If difficulties cannot be resolved in this way, the school may refer the child to the Local Authority. Local Authority Attendance Specialists work with schools, families and other professionals to reduce persistent absence and improve overall attendance.  If attendance does not improve, legal action may be taken in the form of a Penalty Notice, prosecution in the Magistrates Court or the application of an Education Supervision Order, designed to strengthen parental responsibilities and ensure improved attendance.


Local Authority Attendance Specialists work strategically with schools, families and other professionals to reduce persistent absence and improve overall attendance.





Poor punctuality is not acceptable. If a child misses the start of the day they can miss work and do not spend time with their class teacher getting vital information and news for the day. Late arriving pupils also disrupt lessons, can be embarrassing for the child and can also encourage absence. Good time-keeping is a vital life skill which will help our children as they progress through their school life and out into the wider world.



How we manage lateness:


All students are expected in between 8.45 and 8.55am. Any student that arrives late between 8.55 and 9.05am will receive a late code and that will be logged as an ‘L’ code with the minutes and reasons as to why that student was late. Any student late after 9.05am will be logged as a ‘U’ code, along with the minute late and the reasons as to why that student is late. If a student is marked as a ‘U’ code they will be logged as an unauthorised absence. If a student is late 10 or more times, after the register has closed, within a 10 week period, the parents/carers may receive a penalty notice or prosecution referral to the Local Authority.

Unauthorised lateness could result in the school referring to the Local Authority for sanctions and/or legal proceedings. If your child has a persistent late record, you will be asked to meet with our Attendance and Wellbeing Practitioner or a member of the Senior Leadership Team but you can approach us at any time if you are having difficulties getting your child to school on time. We expect parents and staff to encourage good punctuality by being good role models to our children and celebrate good class and individual punctuality.

Deletion from Roll


For any pupil leaving Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School, other than at the end of Year 2, parents/carers are required to complete a ‘School Transfer Form’  which can be obtained from the school office.  This provides the school with information that is essential to ensure that we know and safeguard the whereabouts of all of our pupils.


Our Attendance Policy can be found under 'Our School / School Policies & Key Documents'.

T. 01702 557979
E. admin@hadleigh-inf.essex.sch.uk