


Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School recognises that positive behaviour and good attendance both play an essential role in order to raise standards of pupil attainment and to give every pupil here at Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School the best educational experience possible.  We aim for every child to have at least 95% attendance at the end of the academic year.  


For our pupils to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend every day and be at school on time. As a school, we recognise that there may be some instances where your child is too unwell to attend school, all absences must be reported to the school. The school may request medical evidence in order to authorise any absences.  


Any absences affects the pattern of a pupils schooling and regular absence can have a serious effect on their academic outcomes and personal development. Any pupil’s absence or late arrival disrupts teaching routines which may affect the learning of others. Ensuring a child’s regular attendance at school is a parental responsibility and permitting absence without good reason creates an offence in law; persistent absences from school may result in prosecution. Absences may be permitted where there is an exceptional circumstance, and it is the Head Teacher, Mrs L Fynn, that decides whether the circumstances are exceptional.  


The school’s attendance policy has been developed in consultation with school governors, teachers, the Local Authority, parents and carers. It seeks to ensure that all parties involved in the practicalities of school attendances are aware and informed of attendance matters in school and to outline the school's commitment to attendance matters. It details the responsibilities of individuals and groups involved and the procedures in place to promote and monitor pupil attendance. 


Helping to create a pattern of regular attendance is the responsibility of parents, pupils and all members of staffTo help us focus on this we will:  


  • Be celebrating excellent attendance by displaying, reporting and awarding individual and class achievements. This is through the attendance hero initiative and the attendance bear initiative. This is delivered weekly in assemblies.  

  • Reward good or improving attendance.  

  • We will regularly update parents/carers on attendance in our newsletters..  

  • We will contact parents and carers regarding their child’s attendance if necessary.  

  • There will be a Prize Draw each term. Each time a pupil has one full week at school they will get one raffle ticket into their year groups pot. Each term, a raffle ticket will be pulled and that child will win a book.  

  • Each term we will look at each child’s attendance for that term and the previous term. Any child’s attendance who had improved from the previous term will be put into their year group pot and a random family will be drawn out of the pot to receive a prize.  

  • Prize draw whole academic year. Any student above 97% for the whole academic year will be put in a pot for their year group and picked at random for the prize. 


Understanding Types of Absences


There are two available sessions (AM/PM) each day that have to be classified by the school (not by parent / carer) as either authorised or unauthorised. This is why information regarding any absence is required.  


Authorised absences are absences from a session for illness (although you may be asked to provide medical evidence), unavoidable medical appointments, emergencies or other unavoidable causes (In this instance the Head Teacher will decide whether the circumstances warrant authorising).  


Unauthorised absences are absences away from school which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no ‘leave’ has been granted in the case of a holiday. 5 days (10 sessions) unauthorised, within a 10-week period, can lead to the Local Authority using sanctions and / or legal proceedings which may include issuing each parent with a Penalty Notice for £120, reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days of receiving the penalty notice. Alternatively, the Local Authority may refer the matter to the Magistrates Court whereby each parent may receive a fine up to £2500 and / or up to 3 months in prison. If you are found guilty in the Magistrates Court you will receive a criminal conviction.  


Unauthroised absence include unnecessary absence due to minor illness, absences that have not been properly explained, any pupil who arrives after 09.05am will receive a unauthorised lateness mark, accompanying siblings / parents to medical appointments or any other absences in term time which have not been agreed by the Head Teacher.  


By law, all children of compulsory school age must receive an appropriate, full-time education. Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child attends school regularly at the school at which they are registered. There is no longer any entitlement in law for pupils to take time off during the term to go on holiday. In addition, the Supreme Court has ruled that the definition of regular school attendance is “in accordance with the rules prescribed by the school”.  




Coding Explained 


/ - Present AM 

/ - Present PM  

I - Illness Absence - Authorised 

O - Unauthorised Absence  

M - Medical Absence - Authorised but proof of appointment required 

G - Unauthorised Leave of Absence 

C - Other Authorised Absences - Authorised at Head Teachers discretion.  


Our Attendance Policy can be found under 'Our School / School Policies & Key Documents'.




T. 01702 557979