Organisational Structure

Organisational Structure


The governors have responsibility for setting and monitoring the overall strategic direction of the charitable company, approving decisions reserved to governors and appointing key members of staff.


The governors meet as a board six times a year. At these meetings the overall performance and direction of the Academy is reviewed - this includes key performance indicators, associated risks and mitigation for them.   The majority of decisions reserved to the governors are taken by the board as a whole.  Small working groups may be arranged during Full Governing Body meetings if the board would like to investigate individual matters further. These working groups then feedback their findings which could lead to recommendations being made to the full board. During the Full Governing Body meetings, the governors challenge and support school leaders linked to the areas stated below:


  • Finance
  • Curriculum
  • Behaviour
  • Personnel
  • Safeguarding
  • Wellbeing
  • Premises / Health and safety
  • Data protection


In additional to the Full Governing Body, the school also has three committees that meet when needed during the academic year. These committees are:


  • Finance, Risk and Audit
  • Disciplinary
  • Pay (including Head Teacher’s Pay)


The Finance, Risk and Audit Committee ensures that the school meets its statuary requirements as set out in the Academies Financial Handbook 2021. It also directs the school’s Responsible Office as to which areas they would like him to audit throughout the academic year. The committee also holds the Accounting Officer and Chief Financial Officer to account for the recommendations set out from any external or internal audits that have been completed during the academic year. At each meeting the Accounting Officer and Chief Financial Officer will set out what actions have been taken since the previous audits and update the committee of any further work that is required. This committee meets at least three times a year. 


The Pay Committee ratify or challenge recommendations - linked to pay progression matters - made by the Head Teacher. As part of these meetings, the Head Teacher will set out his recommendations with evidence of the outcomes of performance management that has been carried out by the staff. The Pay Committee also make decisions on the percentage increments, to annual salaries, as recommended by the School Teachers’ Review Body and/or the DfE.


The three committees stated above report back to the Full Governing Body, after they have met, to outline the decisions they have made or to ask to consider any recommendations that cannot be made at committee level. 


Additionally, an ad hoc group of governors are established (the Strategic Group) to consider specific strategic issues and make recommendations to the board or appropriate working groups.


The Head Teacher is the Accounting Officer and works closely with governors and the senior staff of Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School (Academy).


The day to day management of the Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School (Academy) rests with the Head Teacher who has overall responsibility for the school.  The Head Teacher is responsible for establishing a Senior Leadership Team to support the strategic and operational running of the school.

T. 01702 557979