Support for parents

I am aware that some parents have been and still are concerned about their ability to support their children educationally during this closure. To ensure that parents are supported in the best way we can I have set up different methods in which parents can access support. A dedicated email address has been created so that parents can email any questions they may have and my staff will reply as soon as they can with advice and guidance. I have also created an overall education queries support system which consists of an email address and hotline that can be called during the working hours of 8:30am until 4:30pm. Details of emails and numbers can be found below:



Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School Education Support for Parents:



For year group specific questions and guidance -

Nursery -

Reception -

Year 1 -

Year 2 -



For general questions and guidance linked to education/home schooling -

01702 557979



It is clear that many families could be faced with many challenges over the coming days, weeks and months; to support our families I have also made a dedicated hotline linked to supporting the wellbeing and safeguarding of families. This number can be called anytime between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm and support and guidance will be provided as much as possible. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to help all families but we will be here for you and will support as much as we can as and when you need it. In addition to this hotline, we will also set up an email specifically to support the wellbeing of families. This will be checked regularly and we will respond to concerns and issues as soon as we can. Both the email and hotline can be used if parents have any safeguarding concerns whilst the school is closed. Details of  the email address and number can be found below:



Hadleigh Infants and Nursery School Wellbeing and Safeguarding Support for Parents:

Offsite wellbeing and safeguarding support number - 07393584126



Both the wellbeing and education support services will continue to work unless staffing levels reduce to a level that makes this impossible. I will inform parents in the future, if we are getting close to this level.


T. 01702 557979